What Do I Want to Be When They Grow Up? (And Other Thoughts From a 40-Something Mom) will be released in May of 2025!

What is this book about? Who is it for?

Hmmm… well, here’s a starting list…

If you’re a mother, this book is for you.

If you’re perimenopausal, this book is for you.

If you’re a SAHM (or working mom, or WFH mom), this book is for you.

Default parent? Yep, you.

Perfectionist crippled with anxiety? Definitely you.

Someone who wants to accept (and even love) your body, despite the incessant toxic diet and beauty industry telling you shouldn’t? You’re in there too.

A mom who gave up her career to raise her kids and doesn’t regret it and feels 1000% grateful for being there for every tear and every skinned knee and every sing-a-long and every snow day and every call from the nurse, but who also has battled feelings of resentment that your college degrees have collected dust and in a few years they’ll all have flown off to live their own lives so you’re starting to wonder… what will you do…?? THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU.

*Available soon for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Bookshop!

Do you need a place to vent about mommy lifeā€”like where your kid smeared poop this week or that first time you tried to catch vomit in your hands in the middle of the night?

And do you also love funny #momlife quotes and stories from other parents in the trenches?

Cool. Me too. So check out my humorous mom journal called I Brushed My Hair Today: A Mom Journal for Mostly Together MomsGet a copy for a mom friend drowning in mac & cheese while counting the minutes until bedtime. (And maybe a copy for you too!)

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