I am a proud feminist -- for myself, for my mother and for my grandmothers. But most of all, I am a feminist for my daughter.I see the way eyes roll and the room gets quiet when I proudly declare that I am a feminist. I hear how people—both men and women—spit the word out as if it were a sour grape. I know, and accept, that over the past century, this word has picked up negative connotations. But I believe in the ideologies of feminism—equal rights and equal opportunities for women. It’s not a hard concept, really. And this simplicity solidifies it for me—I cannot imagine any other way to be.

I am not sure where my feminist inspiration originated, but I can feel it growing, intensifying, inspiring me to write, to fight, to speak, to act. I believe this recent surge of pride in my feminist beliefs is a result of an event that occurred five years ago: the birth of my daughter. Therefore, because she is my inspiration, a driving force within my soul, I write this for her.

I want so much for my daughter. I want her to be healthy and fulfilled and validated and proud. I want her to make the world a better place and to know that she is making the world a better place. I want her to find at least one thing that she will fight for. One thing for which she will stand up to the most intimidating bully in the room and refuse to back down when challenged. Whether it be animal rights, or equal funding in education, or saving the planet’s natural resources… I hope she finds something that burns within her gut, that keeps her up at night, that makes her angry at times, that makes her take risks. And if she asks me what my thing was—my passion, I’ll say it was for her. For all girls. I’ll say it was feminism.

Why are you a feminist, Mom? She might ask.

And I’ll tell her this.

I am a feminist for you. I’m a feminist because by 5 years old, you already seem to value being pretty as important as being smart.

I am a feminist because you’ve heard people insult each other by demeaning girls. You’ve heard, “You throw like a girl” and “You’re crying like a girl.” I know you heard them because I was there. And some of these people are your friends, your relatives, people who love you. I am a feminist because they don’t understand why this is hurtful.

I am a feminist because older girls of the generation before you are idolizing women like the Kardashians and Hiltons more than women like Malala Yousafzai and Emma Watson.

I am a feminist because there are women who wanted Hillary in the White House so badly—and pressured other women to vote for her, even if they disagreed with her policies—because they so desperately wanted to be able to look into their daughters eyes and say, “See? You can be anything you want to be.”

I am a feminist for you. Because someday you’ll be a grown woman. And you might live in a world like I do, where a man who leaves a party with three women is a playboy, but a woman who experiments with her own sexuality is a whore.

I am a feminist because there are men and women in our country who voted a misogynist bigot into the presidential office.

I am a feminist because a court and congress, 80% of whom are men, think they can tell you what you should do you with your body, even though no one tells them what they should do with their bodies.

I am a proud feminist because people are afraid of feminists. And I want that for you. I want you to be a force. A vehicle for change, even if it means people don’t like you at times. Even if people are scared of what you’ll say or do.

I am a feminist for you because you’ll be judged by your appearance more times by the time you’re 30 than your brothers will be their entire lives.

I am a feminist because it’s easier to purchase a semi-automatic weapon in this country than it is to make a safe, legal choice about your own body.

I am feminist for generations before you. For your grandmother’s grandmother, who wasn’t allowed to vote. Who wasn’t allowed an education. Who wasn’t allowed choices or opportunities.

I am a feminist because feminists historically align themselves with other marginalized groups—people of color, members of the LGBT community, the impoverished, and the sick. And I know your little 5-year-old heart, and I see how it bleeds for those who suffer.

I am a feminist because the world will judge you. The world is already judging you, making decisions about you, for you. Assumptions about what you should wear, how you should behave, and who you should be.

I am a feminist because Bernie Sanders was able to look disheveled and elderly and be endearing, but Hillary Clinton was torn to shreds if she showed a hair out of place, a wrinkle, or an extra pound or two. Because our society believes that somehow her appearance—and only hers, not his—affects her ability to properly run this country.

I am a feminist because, although we’ve come a long way, we are still often thought of as the weaker sex. Someday you might grow another living thing in your womb and scream in unbearable pain as you bring a child forth into the world, yet people might still label you as weak, because you are a woman.

I am a feminist because feminists are fighters. We know we are hated, but we keep going. I want you to fight for something. I want you to know the reward, the pride that comes only after you’ve taken a risk, taken a punch, and got back up.

I am a feminist for you.

18 thoughts on “I Am a Feminist For You

  1. Sam says:

    Wow. This is powerful. I don’t have any daughters, but this is the mindset I want my boys raised with. You do a great job of pointing out a lot of the double standards in today’s society.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I also have 2 boys, and I want them ALL raised with this mindset.

  2. Candice says:

    I want all this for my five year old daughter too! Thank you for writing this because I had forgotten what a feminist really is.

  3. Amanda Elder says:

    Yes, a fabulous job indeed of pointing out so many double standards. Preach it, mama. I’m a feminist too, and hope that one day other people (husband included) don’t roll their eyes when I say so.

    1. I know. The eye rolls are part of the gig. I roll mine right back at them!

  4. Liz says:

    Are you running for office? Because you should! No, seriously, great piece. Puts into words a lot of my feelings, especially since I also have a 5yo daughter.

    1. Ha! Yeah, next on my bucket list… public office. Not sure I am a good fit. Too mouthy and opinionated and inappropriate. But thank you for the vote if I ever do! 🙂

  5. Jean says:

    I love this, and I so needed to read it today. My daughter isn’t even one yet, but already I see people judging and making assumptions about her based on her sex – and too often, speaking out about sexism results in being labeled “oversensitive” or as “one of those people who’s offended by everything”.

    Thank you.

    1. Yes, I have had to accept that stigma attached to me now that I talk about this. So I guess I am overly sensitive and offended. But maybe I should be?! Thank you for commenting!

  6. Jen says:

    Another great post Karen. I read the Invention of Wings recently (if you haven’t read it yet, I think you’d really like it, I loved it) and it reminded me, because I literally forgot, that women had so few rights not so long ago. I feel incredibly grateful for being born in these times and must honor those who fought for equal rights for all HUMANS not so long ago. We are all human and we should all have the same rights, period.

    1. Thank you Jen! I haven’t read that but I will definitely put it on my list.

  7. Angela says:

    Definitely powerful! Great way to raise your daughter. It’s not easy to take pride and voice your beliefs out loud sometimes but if only more of us did!!

  8. Love this and saving it for my daughter. Thank you. My son will read it too. I struggled to figure out how to raise a “feminist” boy without setting him up for judgment and shame, and it’s only recently as he’s started maturing into a man that I’ve found educating him will make as much if not more change for women.

    1. Thank you so much. This comment means a lot to me. And I agree, it is important to raise both our daughters and sons with this mindset of equality.

  9. Julia Arnold says:

    Refreshing! Own it! I honestly can’t really be true friends with any woman who doesn’t consider herself a feminist. It just means we have very, very different views on the world and well…it ain’t gonna work!
    Your daughter is lucky to have you!

    1. Thank you Julia! A fellow lover of the F-word. Awesome! 🙂

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