I’m a stay-at-home mom by choice. Although it was not nearly the smooth transition that I had thought it would be, I am very aware of how fortunate I am. I know that not every mother is afforded this option.
However, I also know a lot of moms do have this choice. Many choose to work—and kick ass at it. Some of them are the best moms I know. But they have chosen to be working moms as I have chosen to stay at home.
I recently had an encounter with a mom—a working mom—at an event with my kids. I know this mom, and you might know her, too, as you can see her from a mile away with a 7.5 carat rock on her finger. You also probably know where she lives, as it is hard to miss her 6-bedroom house and Lexus parked out front. I am not trying insult the wealthy here, as I know many hard working, well-off folks who don’t belittle me. This woman is not one of them. Continue Reading