I have not “dated” in 14 years (which means never) but I hear people out in the dating world say that they don’t like to “play games.” I am sure I would agree if I were a part of that scene. However, I feel like I am forced to “play games” on daily basis, although not with a grown-up. I am forever in a battle of predicting a person’s behavior, anticipating my reaction to that person’s behavior, and praying for one thing to happen, only to face the reality that the exact opposite occurs… That person is 2-years old and she runs my life.
For example, she and I play games on a daily basis at “quiet time.” I am lucky enough to have kids who give up their naps at 2 years old (yay me), which immediately institutes daily “quiet time.” The kids have to spend about 45 minutes in their rooms playing, reading, writing on the walls… really Mommy doesn’t care. Quiet time always occurs when baby brother is sleeping. They can be in the middle of a game of Candy Land and if baby brother falls asleep, Mommy leaps up and whisks the older two upstairs. It’s quiet time! Time for Mommy to have a minute to herself. (Because seriously, it ends up being exactly that: one solid minute of peace. See below.)
Today’s scene:
Mommy: “Okay, it’s time to go upstairs!”
2-year old daughter: “Nooooo! I need to finish building this library out of Legos!” (Cute, I know. But go upstairs.)
“Okay, you can add one more piece and then it’s quiet time.”
(Piece added.)
“I need to add a Lego guy! Someone needs to be IN the library!”
(Guy added.)
“Okay, time to go upstairs.”
After 5 more minutes of negotiation, she is in her room. Mommy goes downstairs.
12 seconds later:
“Mommy! You need to take this puzzle out of here!”
“Just keep in your room until after quiet time.”
“Noooooo! I don’t want it in here!!”
Now, I know what you are thinking. Don’t indulge this ridiculousness. Don’t play her games. However, baby brother is sleeping right next door to her room. Thus the constant game-playing. Do I ignore her and run the risk that she wakes up brother, and therefore ending all chances of a minute of peace this afternoon? Or do I keep giving in to her senseless demands, and as a result, also get no peace for the next 45 minutes? Hmmmm….. is this what dating is like? Do I call him? Do I text back and run the risk that he thinks I am desperate? But if I don’t call, will he think I am ignoring him? Aaaah! Scary repercussions either way!
Well, I am wrapping up this blog post. She is in her room, playing quietly at this moment (after I took the unwanted puzzle out). If I am lucky, I will have about 8 more minutes of peace. Bliss.