Eeeeeeek! I wrote a book. Like a whole big book with 30 chapters, a table of contents, and all the rest. And it’s available for pre-order now on Amazon, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble, and Target. So here are the deets:

In May of 2025, “What Do I Want to Be When They Grow Up? (And Other Thoughts from a 40-Something Mom)” will be released, published by Jossey-Bass of Wiley Publishing.
And here’s what the cover will look like.
So what is this book about? Who is it for? Well, you, actually.
If you’re a mom, this book is for you.
If you’re the default parent, this book is for you.
If you put your career on hold to raise your kids and are now wondering what TF you’re doing to do once they’ve flown off to their own nests, this book is for you.
If you still struggle with middle school bullsh*t like fitting in and making friends even though you’re a big old grownup, this book is for you.
If you’re sweating through your t-shirt when it’s 40 degrees outside and just discovered a rogue chin hair as the sunlight hit your reflection in the mirror this morning, this book is for you.
If motherhood has looked a lot different than you thought it would, this book is for you.
If you’re just generally pissed off a lot lately, this book is for you.
If you love your children fiercely and would run through fire for them but omg if they don’t put their shoes away you are going to light every croc, Nike Blazer, and Birkenstock sandal on fire, then yes, this book is for you.
“What Do I Want to Be When They Grow Up? (And Other Thoughts from a 40-Something Mom)” was equal parts cathartic and heart-wrenching for me to write, as I felt empowered but also very vulnerable telling some hard truths about motherhood, marriage, and perimenopause. But I’m glad I did.
I hope you read it. I hope you like it. And I hope it makes you laugh and feel less alone. That’s what I hope most of all.
Hello, Will this book be relatable for Australian Mum’s? Thank you.
Hi! I hope so! Are you able to order from any of the links?